Prayers Needed - WV Mining Tragedy


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Prayers go out for the miners, the families, the friends, and all rescue members helping in this ordeal.

Everyone in the area is very close, and I think everyone knows someone or has a family member in the area. I turned on the Today show this morning and my second cousin was being interviewed about his father (My first cousin) who is missing. We have had unconfirmed reports that he was actually only injured, but not hearing anything definite yet.

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I'm dreading hearing the names of the men killed and injured in this tragedy. I'm actually from the County where this happened so it's inevitable that I know or am related to someone involved in it.

Words can't describe how sad I am about this..... :(

Lots of prayers sent from Nova Scotia to my Mountaineer brothers and their families who are dealing with their loss.

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Yes, still not getting good news. Regarding my family, we did receive the great news that my cousin was slightly injured and trapped for a short while, but he was able to walk out of the mine. He's not taking it very well as 25 are confirmed dead and 4 more are missing.

Alisha, you are right, everyone is dreading seeing the list. Hang in there.

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