Satalite anyone?


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Between dish and direct I would go direct. Have installed and serviced and been a customer with both and on direct now. Equipment is very similar, although Thompson consumer electronics and hughes were the first to have theirs up and running when they first hit the market with their rca's. Direct's customer service people are a bit better to deal with, dish and their charges and how they handle their customer service is in my opinion quite poor.

On the old c band's big "dishes", I still have quite a bit of equipment from when I had my own business, before I took my antenna down there was really not much left on the air in the way of "free" programming, was not worth leaving it up to have to mow around.

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I've got Shaw (Star Choice). I think your only two legal choices in Canada are Bell ExpressVu and Shaw Direct (Star Choice). If you have Bell telephone, internet, cell phone. etc., you can bundle the sat dish and get $5 off each I think.

I started paying Star Choice about $66 a month nine years ago I think. It gradually increased until I was paying $102 per month, so I called to cancel to get Bell ExpressVu. Shaw (Star Choice) reworked my packages to drop my monthly fee to $72 per month. Bell is just as expensive and they both work their packages so you can't get everything you want in one or two packages. They know what they're doing to scam us all.

One thing I hate about both Bell and Shaw, is that they are regulated by the CRTC with regards to Canadian content. And to be quite honest, most Canadian movies, sitcoms and series are pretty much crap in my opinion. If I could wangle a US Direct or DishNet system, that's the route I'd take, but you got'ta be careful cause they're like a pirated system in Canada I think.

I knew a lot of friends who had the free-to-air systems, but they crashed like you said quite a while ago and I haven't heard about anyone getting it back on line.

You're legally not allowed to do this, but I've heard about relatives or neighbors going in together to pay for a single system with up to a maximum of six receivers and they have to buy as many dishes as houses they have them at, but they only pay one monthly bill collectively. I asked Bell about doing that and they just laughed. They said yes some people do that, but aren't legally allowed.



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