woolybears season ending totals


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Well folks I'm officialy calling it a season. I had a blast this year! I'm dissapointed in the # of dead deer that wont be around for this coming fall but what can you do about it.

Sure wish I could have picked up a few more sheds, especially some of the larger bucks I had cam pics of but all in all this season was another memmorable one to say the least.

So here's my list of total finds for the year:

Total antlers- 12

Busted racks- 2

Sheds- 10

Match sets- 3

Dead bucks- 13

Dead does/fawns- 8

Other skulls- 2 fox, 1 yote

Leg hold trap- 1

Live trap- 1 (returned to owner)

Golf balls- 63

Enjoyed following along with everyones hikes and finds. Good luck to all still sheddin' and congrats on all your great finds!

We'll have to do this again next year huh. ;)



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  redkneck said:
Nice Matt! That one shed fell off a STUD! What's up with the golf balls? Driving range nearby?

Thanks guys. Green up sure came quick after the snow left.

Not for 10 miles John.....I think the neighbor just likes to blast balls across the road to the cornfield. These all made it to the woods. I'm no rangefinder when it comes to long range estimation but I'd say close to 300 yds away!:jaw: Not bad for a country boy I'd say.

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Congrats on a Great season wooly!! ;)

I hear ya on the fast green-up this year.Deep snows in the early season with hot weather shortly after didn't leave much time for sheds before green-up.

You got yourself some Sweet sheds and something to look forward to this Fall.Sure hope you can put that drop tine buck on the ground.

Been great following your season really enjoyed it...

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