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Well Finally i am happy with my rest and sights...

all last week relearning my form after getting the new Z7 for the Bday... setting it up, and sighting it in... things just were not going like they should

so yesterday i went down and made a few more changes..

I have always shot 28.5 inch draw and cut my arrows to 29.75

this allowed me to shoot ICS 340 with 100 or 125 in my old bow and according to the ics chart i should have been able to shoot them in the new Z bow with 125.. well it just didn't quite happen for me.. so i went looking for 400.. LOL NONE to be had in town... being the old fart that i am ....

I tend to be resistant to change, but change i must... so my first ever bundle of gold tip hunter XT.. 5575 with more then a little grumbling and hesitation about cutting them ( kinda hard to return that way) i set about my task of making arrows.

neatly trimmed to 29.5 and tipped with 100 grain tips.. Florescent green Fobs and Battle drum vapor flame wraps..

two rounds later i am shooting 2 inch groups at 40 yards, knocking Fobs off the arrows and breaking others...

my center shot is now a near perfect line down from 10 yard to 40 yards using the 20 yard pin for all... the bow likes those arrows... even with the steady breeze at my back those FOBs really square them off right now...

so the 340's will stay with the older bow.. i currently have the Z set to 50 lbs and will run it up to 60 here soon so i can run a little heavier tip ( maybe ) but unless i am shooting at buffaloe... i really see no point in the extra my over all weight is still plugging a total of 407.9 grains down the range...

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so you really like fobs huh? i have been thinking about trying them but im not sure


Superior flight characteristics - Designed by archers

Installs in seconds - No glues, fletching tools, cleaning or scraping

Instantaneous rotational torque - Simple broadhead tuning

Consistent flight every time - Injection molded, highest quality

materials and toolsUtmost arrow penetration, stability and retained energy (speed)

Faster the flight the better they fly

70% less cross wind drift

No flight deformation - Reduced tail walk, wobble and chatter

Outlasts vanes 10 to 1 - Field replaceable rugged, durable

and reusableSaves money - Buy bare shafts (use nocks supplied with arrows)

Legal for hunting in all states, countries and NFAA, FITA and

*IBO events

yeah i really like them A FREAKING LOT!;)

i still fletch arrows for the kids and wife as they are not ready for drop aways yet... but not for me.

and for traveling.. bar shafts fit in a tube with a rubber band around them... and fobs fit in 1inch by 6 inch tube for 12..

they are sweet.. but some can not get past that appearance..

as i said i am resistant to change... but sometimes it is for the best.

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