Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks


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Homos_xual ‘Marriage’ a Health Risk Doctors Warn Parliamentarians

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OTTAWA, February 17, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A group of physicians has presented to Canadian Parliamentarians scientific evidence that homos_xual marriage is a health risk to Canadians. The heavily referenced brief titled "Gay Marriage and Homos_xuality, Some Medical Comments" warns that the new law will result in the further normalization of homos_xual s_x which has already resulted in severe health risks and related costs to care for and treat persons affected by risky s_xual behaviour.

The document, signed by doctors in different disciplines from family medicine, dermatology and neurology, warns that anal s_x as practiced by most gay men, has a large number of diseases associated with it, “many of which are rare or even unknown in the heteros_xual population” such as: anal canc! er, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, Herpes simplex virus, HIV, Human papilloma virus, Isospora belli, Microsporidia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C and others.

Doctors who spoke with LifeSiteNews.com also warn that this dangerous s_xual practice has spread to the heteros_xual community as well.

“There is a significant increase in the risk of contracting HIV when engaging in anal s_x,” the paper warns. It cites studies indicating that “Young homos_xual men aged 15-22, who had anal s_x had a fivefold increased risk of contracting HIV over those who never engaged in anal s_x.”

The brief notes also that “Over 70% of all AIDS diagnoses in Canada in adults over the age of 15 up to June 2004 were in homos_xual men (13,019 out of 19,238).”

The brief warns “Any attempts to legalize gay marriage should be aware of the link between homos_xuality and ped_philia. While the majority of homos_xuals are not involved in ped_phil! ia, it is of grave concern that there is a disproportionately ! greater number of homos_xuals among ped_philes and an overlap between the gay movement and the movement to make ped_philia acceptable.”

The doctors cite the Journal of Homos_xuality in demonstrating an overlap between the homos_xual activist movement and the promoters of ped_philia. Moreover, the paper references studies showing that while “the number of homos_xuals in essentially all surveys is less than 3%,” “the percentage of homos_xuals among ped_philes is 25%.” It concludes: “Therefore, the prevalence of ped_philia among homos_xuals is about 10-25 times higher than one would expect if the proportion of ped_philes were evenly distributed within the (hetero- and homos_xual) populations.”

The authors of the report are John Shea,MD, FRCP ©, Radiologist; John K. Wilson MD, FRCP ©, Cardiologist; Paul Ranalli MD, FRCP ©, Neurologist; Christina Paulaitis MD, CCFP, Family Physician; Luigi Castagna MD, FRCP ©, Paediatric Neurologist; Hans-Christian Raabe MD, MRCP MR! CGP Internist; W. André Lafrance MD, FRCP ©, Dermatologist

See the complete report at:

http://www.lifesite.net/features/marriage_defence/SSM_MD_evidence.htm and

http://www.lifesite.net/features/marriage_defence/SSM_MD_evidence.pdf (Acrobat)


1) SEND A LETTER: Let your MP know that you’ve read the doctor’s report that was sent to all MP’s and that you share the doctors’ concerns over the increased health risks that homosexual marriage will bring to Canada. http://www.1clicklobbyist.ca/index.php?affid=216

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

LOL Steve you know you do not want me to get started on this one!!!! Was always taught by my momma if I can not say anythign nice say nothins so_____________________ __________________ ______-- --_ ________- botu says it all!!!!!!!gotta say soemthign boy I love our freekin liberal anti loving and gay loving goverment!!!

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

I donot agree with gay marriage, but on moral grounds. I do not think that it will lead to more aids or pedophiles. People are going to be gay, and get aids regardless of if they can marry. The issue is that society is so accepting of it in general, marriage will not change that either way. Further, even if society is less accepting i really doubt it would reduce the incidence of homosexuality, it would just be less public like in the past.

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health r


I donot agree with gay marriage, but on moral grounds. I do not think that it will lead to more aids or pedophiles. People are going to be gay, and get aids regardless of if they can marry. The issue is that society is so accepting of it in general, marriage will not change that either way. Further, even if society is less accepting i really doubt it would reduce the incidence of homosexuality, it would just be less public like in the past.

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That, and of all people buckee, I'm suprised you would post this without looking at the science they use............


“many of which are rare or even unknown in the heteros_xual population” such as: anal canc! er, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, Herpes simplex virus, HIV, Human papilloma virus, Isospora belli, Microsporidia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C and others.

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If that is the basis of this than its false, Of the above "gay only virus'es" 8 are listed on all the pamphlets they pass out at high school, and college as typical virus'es you will encounter as a hetro-sexual at the school.

I dont agree with gay marrage, nor am i against gays, people can do whatever they want behind closed doors. I just think them trying to pass a bunch of info off as Homo-only is kinda far fetched.

Not condoning Gays buy any means.....(funny story about this weekend and gays, that i wont bore you with now) i think the whole thing is sick, nasty, and perverted.

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health r

many of which are rare or even unknown in the heteros_xual population”...not "All of which" and I'm glad to see you trust information handed out at school so much compared to this report which is endorsed by the authors of the report who are John Shea,MD, FRCP ©, Radiologist; John K. Wilson MD, FRCP ©, Cardiologist; Paul Ranalli MD, FRCP ©, Neurologist; Christina Paulaitis MD, CCFP, Family Physician; Luigi Castagna MD, FRCP ©, Paediatric Neurologist; Hans-Christian Raabe MD, MRCP MR! CGP Internist; W. André Lafrance MD, FRCP ©, Dermatologist

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

If you allow it (and Canadans have by allowing their government to permit it) then you're going to have live with all the bad that comes with it.

In the past few years Canada has opened it's doors to gays and if it continues you can expect more of a flood into that country which will lead to more cases od AIDS which will lead to an increase in healthcare which will finally filter down to the tax payer to foot the bill.

You ask'd for it....now you got it. Sorry to be so cold but when I listen to the majority of Canadans talk about how cruel us Americas are in this issue then I have no sympathy for the majority of those that this will directly effect.

For those that oppose it, my sympathy and prayers go out to you.

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health r


many of which are rare or even unknown in the heteros_xual population”...not "All of which" and I'm glad to see you trust information handed out at school so much compared to this report which is endorsed by the authors of the report who are John Shea,MD, FRCP ©, Radiologist; John K. Wilson MD, FRCP ©, Cardiologist; Paul Ranalli MD, FRCP ©, Neurologist; Christina Paulaitis MD, CCFP, Family Physician; Luigi Castagna MD, FRCP ©, Paediatric Neurologist; Hans-Christian Raabe MD, MRCP MR! CGP Internist; W. André Lafrance MD, FRCP ©, Dermatologist

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"many of which" by many you would think majority....but no there are three viruses there that arnt commen in Hetro-sexuals. You are believeing what you want to believe here Buckee and that was the point i was making, you re quick to slam scientific studies on creation, and studies about people being born gay or not born gay, but back a study that goes with your beliefs. Now lets see I've attended three differant Colleges, and one High school. Thats four differant health leactures, and one Goverment endorsed abstinence leacture, all have taught me that the piece of info your using is wrong. I'm not trying to stir the pot or anything else Buckee, and you know how I feel about Homo-sexuals, Just by putting a bunch of doctors names on it dosnt make it true. Just think the thing is far fetched. Here is another question I have about this supposed expert peice of info How would gay marriage step up these viruses, I would guess it would lessen them if you had gay people sticking with one partner instead of screwing around, seems like commen sence to me. Kinda like here on the Hetro-sexual front, the only way to avoid a virus is to avoid sex Untill MARRIAGE, dosnt that fly in the eye of what this tells us??

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health r


"many of which" by many you would think majority

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I guess they should have used the word "some" . I didn't think "Many" meant "Majority", but if that's the way you prefer to interpret it ..fine...LOL



How would gay marriage step up these viruses

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Well, for one thing, if you assume gays are born that way, then you have a good argument.

I for one don't believe they are born that way and because Gayness has been accepted as a normal sexual behavior and lifestyle, the number of gay folk have increased and will increase even more, along with all the diseases associated with it.

The problem with gay marriages, is that it seals the deal, when it comes to society buying into the myth that they are born that way, instead of admitting that Gayness and all sexual perversions are a product of a Godless society, not an inheritance from birth.

Do you have any idea of how many kids are experimenting with gayness these days, just because it is so accepted in todays society ??

I don't want to argue either Carbon. You already know how I feel and believe on this subject.

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

I've got a friend with some sevier problems with hemoriods and colon. The first time he went to the proctologist he said that he was the only "straight looking" guy in the office. He said something about it to the doctor. The doctor told him that 90%+ of his male patience were gay men who have either caused injury on themselves or who have been injured by their "partners". He then joked and said that "queers paid for my new hummer".

I wander how many of my tax dollars and insurance premium dollars are paying for this sick stuff.

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

Me either!!!! I was not condoning it by any means!!!!! Don't get huffy with me!!! grin.gif

But I do Hate the "sin" and NOT the "sinner".. Do I have acquaintences who are gay? Yes... Do I really associate with them? Not really, but it is not because I hate them... If I have gay friends who lived close to me, I would associate with them just as I would any of you..Especially if they were hunters...

God said to hate the sin and not the sinner.. I do not condone the homosexual just as I do not understand the homosexual but I certainly will not condemn them. That is Gods job, not mine... I am just as much a sinner in things I do as they are as being gay... Just because the things they do seem queer to me does not mean I should sut them out.

I am a Christian, a humble Christain as I can not throw stones in a glass house.

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

johnf, your point is well taken by this


I have also heard and used that phrase, but it is really a new term of modern evangelism.

We are taught to love one another, not judge one another, and not to hate the sinner but to hate the sin.

According to some of the following passages however, the Bible actually states that there are some sinners as well as sins that God "Hates".

Does God hate anyone?

The answer is yes.

* Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"

• Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them."

• Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil,

19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers."

• Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels."

"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36).

Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever.

The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15).


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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

"Hate the sin, but Love the sinner" is a popular evangelism technique not given in scripture.

But if I sin, will you hate me? I am a sinner, so I am to be hated? All have sinned...


(Romans 3:23) - "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

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What shall you choose? Shall we hate everyone or just those whom we do not agree with?

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

I don't hate anyone Norm. You seem like a really good person. I just have the need to point out to anyone when I don't think they are representing the Word of God accurately. I've made mistakes too, just ask Buckee. When I'm wrong and it is pointed out to me, I try to take it as a learning experience.

As for hating any sinner, I don't. It takes way too much energy to hate someone, and only hurts the person who is doing the hating.

God bless, jf

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

All I am going to say about this subject is I do not like the lifestyle of the homosexual. I do not like it at all. I try to like everyone including gay and homosexuals and sometimes it is just difficult to do.

I guess just about any subject where you are talking about humankind is a tough subject because most of us just do not have the poets touch and can put into words what we really are trying to say without getting someone upset or mad at you.

What I said on my previous post was NOT directed at anyone. It was a general statement. It was not meant to be delivered at any one individual, it was meant to invoke thought. Maybe it did, maybe it did not.

Hey Hey, I'm not gay, get used to it!! tongue.gif

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Re: Homosexual marriage/relationships and Health risks

Gods place to cast judgement and punishment not mine.

People will do what they want whether you like it or not. While I am against the entire concept of homosexuality and gay marriage, I understand my thoughts are mine and will not change what others do and are going to do. That does not make me hate anyone, but however I do not condone in any way that type of lifestyle.

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