Needing New Trail Camer

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Hello gents, my brother and I have been in the market for some good trail cameras. We have used several different kinds over the years and have had mixed results. In December 09, we graduated with our Masters Degrees, and both of our projects and thesis were over using camera traps to monitor different species (mine was predators and prey, his was cervids species). During the study we used moultrie, cuddeback, and stealthcam cameras. Recently, we have had major issues with stealthcam and will never purchase another one of their products again. cuddeback cameras did not preform well in the enviroment in which our study was held-and seems as of lately their overall ratings have been going down. Moultrie cameras were kind of "iffy" on battery life. We had 30 cameras for our study and not one of them preformed like they should.

Now, we are in the market for a few more trail cameras-this time for personal/client use. Bushnell Trophy Cameras have been recieving some good reviews-have any of you had much luck with them? what is their customer service like? any other camera suggestion?



Edited by pintail_drake2004
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Homebrews here, few issues with them from time to time, usually minor though and able to fix them myself and have them right back out within a reasonable amount of time. Have had some board issues from my pixcontroller uniboard setups, shame they don't repair them anymore.

Only downside to homebrews is that you can buy cams cheaper than you can build them these days, however I would still rank the quality of pics and performance of the homebrew trail cams I have built ahead of any cams you can buy for equivalent value.

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I just bought an HCO Scoutgard SG550 and so far am very happy with it. I read lots of reviews on trigger time, image quality etc. plus it has a very nice video feature also. It is a little bigger than a pop can and the nice thing is it can be securely locked up inside a steel box and lag bolted to a tree, while using your python lock to put around the tree. I didn't want to buy a camera only to have it ripped off the first week!

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