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Drying out here too finally, and no rain in the forecast for the next 10 days. Wait til after Thursday please for the rain though, then let it rain all it wants.

With yet more problems with our contractor I got in myself with my loader and got all my basement prep work done(dug to grade, gravel in, and basement level floor plumbing run), looks like Thursday will be the pour date.

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Tominator all you have to do is invite me over for a hunt. Everywhere I go it rains.

I went to the Shot Show in Las Vegas in January. It rained for four days when I was there. Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert and it rained for four days when I was there. They had so much rain their sewers couldn't handle it.

I went to Texas last year in October for a five day bow hunt. It rain everyday.

I went to Maine last year in May. Hurricane Bill got there the same day I did.


So Tominator what you got I can hunt down by you.

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Hey rain rain rain,:clap: hey rain rain rain,:clap: come rain rain rain,:clap: rain rain rain rain,:clap: rain rain rain rain,:clap: there there there there and not here here here here,:clap: flood there there there there and not here here here here


oh crap didn't mean to chant for a flood....oh well whats done is done....it probably wont flood.....i hope....oh well it will be ok.....i think

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Tominator all you have to do is invite me over for a hunt. Everywhere I go it rains.

Come on out.

So Tominator what you got I can hunt down by you.

Right now, woodchucks and yotes. Come October, puny Ohio deer.

Hey rain rain rain,:clap:

Thanks bud. :cool:

....would a snow dance suffice???

Yes ma'am. I'll take anything. :D

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