best pattern i've ever seen


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Re: best pattern i\'ve ever seen

Hey rossburg, Just got back from wally world and picked up a box of Feds 3 1/2 #5 with 2oz shot. They are the high velocity with the flight control wad. I know you did'nt shoot high vel but it's all they had.I can't wait to shoot them.I will let y'all know how they did.

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Re: best pattern i\'ve ever seen

Good to hear you found something that shoots well in your guns. I don't own a gun that shoots 3 1/2 shells. But I've found that the hv loads don't shoot well in my gun choke combos. Actually the 3"2 oz federal loads work best in the lead versions. I haven't tried the hevishot or the new federal loads yet.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: best pattern i\'ve ever seen


Good to hear you found something that shoots well in your guns. I don't own a gun that shoots 3 1/2 shells. But I've found that the hv loads don't shoot well in my gun choke combos. Actually the 3"2 oz federal loads work best in the lead versions. .

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i have always shot the 3 1/2 in super supreme 2 oz #4 . this year a bought the 11-87 spst smooth bbl cant. scope mount camo 3 inch for deer hunting. i like smooth bbl for foster slugs. anyway, i tryed the rem .665 in it . used fed 3 inch 2 oz #5 with the flight controle wad and guess what? im shooting a 3 inch gun this year it was most i have two turkey guns, my super x 2 3 1/2 and my 11-87 3 inch spst. flip a coin, heads or tails

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