ATV starter problem

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Just thought I would share this with yall who own ATV's. My electric starter quit working on the Suzuki Eiger 400, the shop wanted over $300.00 to replace, I took the starter off and checked out the possibility of rebuilding it, dissambled and used a 1/4 can of gun scrubber on the inside and all contacts. End of story works like new for less then $2.00. Even after the experts at the shop stated "your starters fried and needs to be replaced". Hopes this helps somebody out.

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I've cleaned and rebuilt my son's Polaris starter a couple times as he likes to get dirty with it running in mud and water. The biggest problem that I had was getting the starter off the bike as I almost had to dismantle half the bike to get at it. Not very user friendly or accessible.


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I just did this to my lawn tractor starter last week, it'd roll the engine over slow, but not quite enough. Everytime it hit the compression stroke it'd try and fire and pop the engine backwards. I took the starter apart and there was a crap load of grease and gunk between the brushes and the armature. Cleaned it all out with brake clean, took some steel wool to the brushes and armature and put it back together. Works like a charm now!

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