BEST arrows on the market today?!?!


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All right guys (and girls)...without thinking about price, what arrow shafts do you think are the BEST ones out right now? Most accurate, consistent, durable, grains per inch...that kinda stuff. I've heard good things about the Gold Tip Pro Hunter, the Beman ICS, and the Easton ST Axis, but I'm not buying three different kinds grin.gifwink.gif Thanks for your input!

Good luck,


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Re: BEST arrows on the market today?!?!

Well as far as the best its hard for me to tell you upright. I have not shot nor owned every arrow out there.

The arrows I have owned were: Easton ACC 3-39/440(Carbon/Alum.), Beman ICS 400's, Gold Tip XT5575's, and Carbon Express Terminator Hunters 40/60's.

The first 3 shafts on compounds and the CE's on trad bows.

My observations were the the ACC are not for hunting applications and way to expensive for that type of abusive shooting. High dollar target arrows IMO.

The Bemans and Gold Tips are almost even with price, accuracy, and value, giving the GT's the upper hand for durability. (JMO)

The CE's I have been real impressed with but like I said, I have not given them compound shooting abuse yet. Although they have seen a TON more dirt and rock time the the others. LOL

For a compound shooter, shotting about 70#, I would go with Gold Tip XT5575. They are accurate and real tough; a better value then the GT Pros IMO. Cheaper anyways.. LOL

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Re: BEST arrows on the market today?!?!

I have to say the PSE Radial X-weave

+/- .001.. 7.5 GPI

i think they work the best. The stats seem to be better than the Gold tips.

Unless someone knows something thatsw wrong with them?

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