My Daughters Trip To Washing D.C.


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I went through two types of background checks the school needs for a parent to be allowed as a chaperon. We left at 6AM, as usual the kids were complaining about getting up so early! LOL! I was so glad I had my iPod along. ;) We got to the Lincoln Memorial first. These pictures were taken by myself and my daughter.




From here we had a great view of the Washington Monument.


Take notice of the two women trying to hold up the Monument in the lower left side! LOL!


From there we went unto the Korean War Memorial.



Then over to the Vietnam War Memorial. I had assignments to do here with the kids, so only one picture was taken by me. They had to find their name they looked up on the internet.


On our way to the WWII Memorial.


The WWII Memorial.



The Field Of Stars represents over 400,000 lives lost during the war.


From there we walked over to the National History Museum. But I was so glad I bought this first aid kit to take along! An 84 year old women was struck by a segway tour, she had a nasty bump on her forehead and was bleeding. I proceeded to apply first aid to her, this guy, who was a special agent, (I heard him say this on his cell.) dialed 911. Once the ambulance came I left, she will be fine. So I did my good deed in DC! Here is a picture of the rotunda inside the museum.


Edited by LifeNRA
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