Got one opening day

Ethan Givan

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Well for the second year in a row I managed to kill a bird on opening day. KY season opened on April 17th but Im just now posting because my computer crashed right before season and I just got it back to working yesterday.

Anyways that morning was a perfect morning for turkey hunting. Temps in the 40s and clear with light winds. I went in blind that morning not knowing where the birds were roosted so I set up on a big hayfield that is surround by woods. At daylight I heard two birds gobbling about 300 yards away across the field and another one 100 yards to my right. They flew down and I started calling. The two gobblers across the field started coming straight to me gobbling all the way. They closed the distance to about 70 yards when the bird that had been gobbling on my right met them in the field with a bunch of hens. They began strutting and the hens pulled them away from me. After they left I tried repositioning on them several times while keeping tabs on their location with a crow call.

Finally at about 9:30am I found them in a low bottom field and snuck to within 60 yards. They ignored my calls as they strutted with about 10 hens around them. I decided I needed to try and make something happen so I pulled out my strutter decoy and holding it by the stake out in front of me I started to belly crawl. I crawled out into the field about 20 yards while all the time watching the birds underneath the decoy. When they first saw the strutter they ran about 100 yards away, and then the 3 gobblers lined up and came running straight at me! I had the decoy stuck in the ground right in front of me and as they ran closer I snuck my gun barrel right up beside the decoy and waited. They stopped a mere 8 steps from me and I dropped the middle bird. It was the most exciting turkey hunt I have had in a long time.

Beard was 11 inches, with 1 inch spurs. Weighed 23 pounds.


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