What's a good 12ga pattern with #5s?


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So I patterned my Benelli Supernova 12ga yesterday. I'm using Federal Heavyweight 3" #5s 1-5/8oz shells, because I got a couple boxes from Gandermountain. The best pattern I've gotten so far is 53 pellets in a 10" circle at 40 yards. That's with a stock flush modified choke. Now I tried a tighter choke Carlson's Dead Coyote choke and the pattern wasn't as good. I also had the wad only go 30 yards and didn't it fly straight with this one. With the mod choke the wad flew straight and bounced off the target.

Now I read in a magazine that you should have 100 pellets in a 10" circle. I didn't think my pattern was bad, but it's making me wonder. What are people getting for 12ga patterns at 40 yards?

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