Non-Typical Outfitter treestands i can't find them

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

I was going to wate untill closer to the start of the seasion to buy a new climber, one inpertictuler the Non-Typical Outfitter's non-typical climber. I love the ideas it incorparated into the stand. any how, seems cabalas no longer caries them. in fact it seems as if stores pulled it off the shelf. any idea why? I realy liked the stand and would love to get my hands on one (depending on why they were pulled). help me out!



found out that they are realy made by ameristep. if this helps any.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Non-Typical Outfitter treestands i can\'t find them

update! thank god for Cabalas Special Products Department. I was able to submit a form requseting a cost to have them order one for me. I should here from them in the next day or two if they can infact get one in for me.


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