How does your BF/GF/spouse feel about hunting?


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My wife hates hunting, she also realizes I do love hunting more than spending time with her. I have explained that there is nothing wrong with wanting a man that doesn't hunt, she just knew I wasn't that guy when she married me. I HUNT, I can go without almost anything except hunting. Good luck

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I dated a man for nearly 6 years who wasn't into hunting or fishing and I received a lot of grief for going. He pulled the old, "you would rather spend time sitting in the woods or at the lake than spend time with me?" It drove me NUTS! So what do I do? Boot him to the curb and found a man who has the same passion for hunting and fishing like I do and married him. :)

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We made a compromise a while back, but it hasn't done much :eek: And I make sure that I spend more time with her than I do hunting. But I guess that isn't enough always :wacko:


Then if you do walk away from her, you can hold your head up high. For you made the attempt. She can never say that you didn't.

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Another supportive wife in this house; mine supports all my hunting activities and is always eager to cut up a deer on the dining room table. She has hunted occasionally and killed several deer, but it's not a passion with her. We would both far rather eat deer and moose than beef, even though we raised cattle on our farm for 20 years. All I know is that it's a lot easier to have a good relationship if you have common interests.

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well my girlfriend should be a peta rep.. she hates every thing that involves hunting, from spending the money it takes to keep one in the field, i get so much grief when season starts its unreal.she will not eat any meat that i bring home no matter how its cooked, but she will cook it for me, some times i think she over cooks it just to tick me off. and when i got 2 heads mounted this year, well to her i should have just burned the money instead of waisting it on dead animals{ her words} but she knows im going to do it even if she hates it, i cant even get her to stay in the camper while im hunting.

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After a few years the first one told me I needed to grow up, quit hunting, fishing, camping etc. and get to work making lots of money because what i was doing just wasn't cutting it anymore. I hope it hurt when I kicked her to the curb. Should've done it years before. I started moving from place to place hunting then. Met a nice woman too. This one loves to go hunting and camping, even in the winter.


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Got to keep things in balance or you'll end up like Matt :D

You say that like it's a bad thing,lol.

Sometimes the conflict of interests just clash and you find yourself enjoying your passion to the fullest alone without the aggrevation:argue:

It aint so may actually preffer it that way. Works out better for everybody.

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Does this answer your question?



She had not hunted before we started dating. She had gone with people but never got to shoot. So she took hunter's safety on her own over spring break, passed with flying colors. So I bought her a rifle, she helped sight it in, bought her camo for her birthday, and she killed her first buck this year! She is a trooper! She even wanted to gut it herself. I offered but she refused! She is a keeper and Im glad she loves it. I even had to buy her a pink Realtree Girl sticker for the back window of her pickup! She just bought herself a pink camo marlin 925 a month or so ago so we can kill gophers together!

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Sorry man but it sounds like you got one on the line that either has jealousy issues or control issues. Its not like you are out running around on her, you are in the woods! I do most of my hunting early and am home around 1 pm. During the off season we usually don't go anywhere before then anyway. I dated a needy one once and at first i thought she was really into me and i found out she was psycho!!!, haha, then i had to say goodbye. She would rather i sat and watched paint dry with her at 8am than go anywhere without her! Makes me appreciate my fiance even more!

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