Sign and New Logo


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New store only been open 5 months. Have been working on store logo, sign and Icon for the front of store for about 3 months. I hope and think you will like some of it, is very cool.

Still have about 2 to 3 weeks before complete.

Wanted to get large rocks, use Missouri Native Grasses and have the sign built into rock with large whitetail on top. Did some drawings for people to work with.

Had it priced one company was 20,000 whole deal another wanted 5000 for rock. To much for a new business to handle.

Well it is all give and take when your start from scratch.

Got the rock for free from a work site and went with a company to make a sign that look more natural since I could not do it on the rock.


This was step 1, 2 and 3

Got rock, dirt and sign.

Have since done step 4 and 5 got the Missouri Native

Grasses and mulch in.

Blue Wild Indigo

Lanceleaf Coreopsis

Longhead Coneflower

Purple Poppy Mallow

Smooth Aster

Shining Blue Star

Rose Verbena

Sand Phlox

Soft Rush

Tussock Sedge

Praire Dropseed

Little Bluestem

It growing and blooming already but plants are just taking off.

Won't plant trees till late fall.

Next was the deer wanted something that would be ICON for the area. Might not remember name but will remember this.

That is the deer I did a drawing and then guy working on it and guy working on it for me took it from a deer to the icon.


This will be our logo, for shirts, hats, truck signs and the template for the deer our front.

The one out front of the store. The overall size is 84" tall and 85" wide

Here is the first part cut out just the head. Still lots to do too it.


Here is the whole deer he has about weeks worth of work, but thought you guys might like this reason for entire post.


Can't wait till it complete.

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