'nuther Hoosier strutter


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Took a buddy out on his first turkey hunt yesterday. He got drawn for a state gamelands hunt but didn't have any experience whatsoever so I volunteered to go along to call. He ended up using my SX2 aswell.

We went out to a known spot on state property but couldn't raise a bird. Heard one gobbling in the distance so off we went after him. Closed the distance to about 75yds and got set. The tom answered all my calls but wouldn't budge. I then deceided to try a move on him...big mistake on my part. As soon as I moved I found out there was a second silent bird and it busted me big time. I felt terrible for blowing the hunt. My buddy however was excited as he's never heard one gobble that close to him. We packed up and pulled out...

Threw all the gear in the truck and headed out to my farm to set the blind up. Hadn't been in the blind 20 min and a hen came right out in front of us. She passed within 8ft. A little while later we saw a tom cross a field but with the 20-30mph winds, calling to him wasn't gonna work. Put in 5 more uneventful hours with nothing seen. Right at 6pm a tom crested the hill headed straight for us. After he closed to within 40yds a hen came over the hill from where he had emerged. He spun around and headed towards her. I told Howard it's now or never so he let a load of 6's fly. Smashed the bird to the ground. Paced it off at 47 paces.


This bird weighed 26lbs with a 10" beard and spurs measuring 1" and 1-1/8". A corker for a first bird.


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