Pa Jake Down!


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Well to say the least this morning was an awesome morning. I had little time to pre season scout and was going basically off of previously successful areas. I heard a bird on the roost had a good set up fly down cackled the whole deal. He seemed on a b line to me but as so often happens hung up just out of site at about 75 yards double gobbling everytime i touched the call but never closing the final 25 yards. Things quieted down by 730 I moved to another area and set up from a good place to listen for a bird to fire up and also do some blind calling. I put the decoy out and started with the Cody World class Slate my first yelp was cut off by multiple Gobbles. The definate sound of Jakes. Less than 1 minute later i had 6 jakes at under 30 Yards I picked out a red head and let 2 Oz. of 4s go. The Jake folded and the other jakes stayed at under 30 yards for over 5 min after the shot. They would gobble every min or so and in the process fired up 2 Toms just across the Valley. The Toms probably gobbled 40 times in the next 10 min. As tempting as it was in Pa you are only aloud 1 bird a day and 2 per season. The area i was hunting is relatively secluded and recieves low pressure those big boys should still be in there the rest of the year. Overall I heard 4 Toms and called in the 6 Jakes by 8 am. Great start to a season with no expectation. I attatched a link to the pic!

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