Barry Bonds


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Did anyone see his press conference yesterday???

That man has a MAJOR ego problem. Thinks the whole steriod thing is blown out of porportion & made up by the media..

I think that professional atheletes live in such a dream world, I wish the Commish would suspend this guy for a LOOOOOONG time. Then maybe these guys would start getting the picture, if they are actually held accountable for what they do..

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Re: Barry Bonds

i dont think that he was all that wrong, saying that steriods cant help your hand-eye cordanition. and it really cant. and that is a big part of the game. steriods are only going to help you get bigger but you still have to put the bat on the ball. he also said that the fans are there for the show and most of them dont really care about steriods. i would also agree with that

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Re: Barry Bonds

He's an arrogant clown. He's asking, "Who's to blame for what people say to my family?" How can that blame be on anybody but him. No one is busting Griffey Jr's family about him being on roids.

I agree steroids won't help you or me somehow hit major league pitching. It will certainly help a world-class athlete get stronger and hit better.

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Re: Barry Bonds

Steroids don't help hand-eye coordination but they do give you added strength and bat speed which is a big part of hitting homeruns and not striking out. It you are getting around that much faster on the ball it makes for a tough out for a pitcher.

It's funny how he tried to turn the whole thing around on the media like they were liars and when asked if he cheated saying "What is cheating". If you ask me they should take him and whomever else who either admitted to it or tests for it and throw them out of the game. Maybe I'm being harsh but it gives those who have nothing but talent and a work ethic a bad name. Makes me wonder about Sosa too. The records that McGuire and Sosa put up might not mean as much to most people now with the accusations, etc that are going around. I do respect Ken Griffey Jr even more now with what has been said about him being clean and still putting up the numbers he has. His injuries have hurt him but he is a pure talent.

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Re: Barry Bonds

He's a hoos and he's a hoss because of the juice, he has dis-respected the game of baseball. When season starts, I would walk in everytime. He doesn't belong in the league. And he doesn't deserve to put the ball on the bat.

There's a lot of true ball players out in the league that would give up everything to a have a batting average like his.

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Re: Barry Bonds


"What is cheating". If you ask me they should take him and whomever else who either admitted to it or tests for it and throw them out of the game.

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if your going to do that then you might as well as throw out all the pitchers in the game cause they all cheat. you not allowed to to anything to the ball but they all do. weither they spit on the ball or whatever, its still cheating.

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Re: Barry Bonds

Bonds faces media

Blame Game

Steroids may not do anything for hand-eye coordination, but what about power?

Those balls he hit a few years ago that were caught on the warning track are now going into McCovey Cove.

What about old age? Muscle fatigue?

If it weren't for the steroids, he may not be playing at all. Say he is still playing, though. Do you think he would play in as many games. I don't.

What about his arthritis?

I don't think that's what "Ease his pain" meant.

I agree that they should just walk him every time.

Maybe he was trying to strengthen his arm. After all, he couldn't even throw out Sid Bream. grin.gif

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