Good opening morning...


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Got a LATE start...already daylight by the time I got out of the truck and dressed. Started up a gas well road after a bird I heard when (sounded like) 3 or 4 birds opened up on the other ridge. Decided since I was sorta inbetween and they were only about 150 yards or so...I'll play! Broke out the glass call and played some sweet nothings.;)

Thought it was a group of jakes...but 2 long beard came in...covered that 150 yards in about 10 mins.

I wasn't sitting 30 mins. and done the first morning!:jaw:

Don't like the idea of being done already...but I also didn't have many days to hunt this season. So all in all...I'm pretty pleased.

Shot a little low and took some beard off...but got a few strands that were 10 1/2" with just shy of 1" spurs.


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Congrats! It is hard to think: would I'd rather hunt all Trukey season or tag out soon? Each has it benefits I suppose and we get accustomed to how it plays out for us. I'm done after only 2 days afield. I could get more tag but other events limit my ability to get out there. So, be happy with your hunt, your memories, your pictures and you soon to be held BBQ!Congtarts

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