Wisconsin Thunderstorm Tom


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Was out friday morning and had two toms nearby all morning, but they wouldnt come out into the field. Since the property line is just inside the woods, we couldnt move in on them. Finally a tom comes out into the field and starts working my way. He gets about 70 yds away and a rumble of thunder sends him back into the woods....rats.

Friday afternoon finds me, my dad and a youngster looking for his first bird, out on the same finger of pines jutting out into a field. I was hunting one field, them the other side. There was 2 toms and a bunch of hens working in front of me and they made their way into the woods across from me. The one tom shot me a courtesy gobble before exiting the field. Shortly after, he came back across the field to find me, but hung up at 80yds.

He finally started to come look for me and was at about 60yds when yet another rumble of thunder made him decide to boogy into the woods....twice in one day thunder spoils a hunt!!! After a 20min thunderstorm, and some more calling he comes back out, but passes out of range heading for some hens in the field. I decide to get closer to the edge of the field and stand next to a 15' pine tree, using its branches for cover and a gun rest. I kept calling every few minutes, and sure enough here he comes from the field behind me. I was able to stop him, get his head up, and down he went!! Im glad I waited that storm out!!

Sorry for the crummy pic, but it was pouring outside and the bird is soaked.


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Nice. I am always uncomfortable holding a metal pipe in a thunderstorm.

Congrats on the bird! Dinner or mounting him?

Haha! Yeah I decided not to hold the gun while I was waiting, I had it resting across two limbs.

Hes gonna be both. Dinner and a tail/beard plaque to join the rest of them.

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