What is the best Turkey Call?


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Everyone has old faithful or maybe that new call you just bought. So what is it brand and type what call do you guys feel is the best out there?

Personally I have never heard a call replicate a wild turkey better than The Cody World class slate. I am a fan of all the Cody friction calls but the World class Slate is simply amazing!

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I highly recommend one of Bowhunter56's (Andy) calls. They are sound as good as they look. I have used my zebra wood/glass for two seasons now plus a lot of youth hunts and had good success.


Pair the friction calls with some mouth calls and the birds really respond well. I like the mouth calls that A-Way Outdoors puts out. Their raspy tones are great.

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I am not sure if it matters as I don't believe there is just "one" best call.

I hardly did any calling last Saturday and drooped a bird. On Friday they responded to anything I used for over 2 hours strutting in sight but not close enough for a shot. I actually had the Tom gobble before I saw him top the ridge I was on. EXTREME light calling, maybe 3 burst of 3 seconds each over a few minutes and I stopped.3 hen decoys and more silence and just waiting pulled my Tom in range.

Sometimes the call works; sometimes it does not. That's why it is called hunting and not shopping I suppose!

Most calls today are very forgiving. I've called plenty Toms in and shot them suing a call but I am no pro caller by any means.

Hunting pressure may have more to do with it. If too many folks are in the woods just yaking away I bet that will shut them down and make them wary.

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I started using Perfection Turkey diaphragm calls in the late eighties. I've used just about every other production diaphragm out there and one thing in particular stands out about Perfection's Diaphragms. They are absolutely consistent and if you buy three of the same model they WILL sound the same! I've found out the hard way that simply isn't true with most of the production calls out there. I know I can buy a regular Red every single year and it will sound the same and as good as the one I used last season. One less thing to worry about.

I made my own pot call but I wanted one that was completely impervious to heat, moisture and humidity. Humidity especially will deaden the sound of many wood backed pot calls. Most plastic backed calls don't loose anything from humidity but heat does affect them. Around here that happens often enough that it's futile to use those calls on those days. Perfection's Screamin' Demon II pot call is a glass top with a Corian (CounterTop material) base. It's capable of being very loud and very soft. It's a really great call.

Check them out at http://www.perfectionturkeycalls.com/

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I like the HS Strut mouth calls and aluminum type friction calls for loud aggresive calling. Ive noticed my calling vs my buddies softer style calling gets them gobbling and commited. We would never known many of the birds were ever in the area with their soft calling.

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