Food Plot Suggestions Welcome

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Hi everyone,

I'm getting ready to plant another food plot. For the past 2 years I have planted a mixure of clover, chicory & WI Winter Greens. It has been working like a charm. The clover and chicory keep the deer happy all summer and then the Winter Greens to take them into the fall. However lately I have had concerns about the brassica blight people are talking about because this spring will be my 4th year with brassica in my plot.

Should I continue with what I am doing now? Or would you recommend something else that will make the deer happy till mid October?

Here is a picture of the food plot. Its approx. 20x40 yards and much of the limbs hanging over the plot have been removed since then.


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I plant my brassicas in the fall with a blend. I don't plant them alone. I've been using the same piece of land now for about 6 years and have never had a problem. I know some people will plant for 2 years in a row then rotate a different crop for the 3rd year then back to brassicas for another 2.

You could always try overseeding your plot in the fall with a cereal grain and austrian peas. These will provide food all winter.

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You could always try overseeding your plot in the fall with a cereal grain and austrian peas. These will provide food all winter.

That was what I was thinking as well. Winter wheat or winter rye grain and winter peas would be what I would probably go with.

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