What Do You Do, During The Off Season???


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Re: What Do You Do, During The Off Season???

Right now it's preseason scouting for turkey (the season opens in less than 3 weeks) and post season scouting for deer before spring green up. I also will shed hunt before and during turkey season.

After turkey season is over (May 2nd) I do some have some trails that I spray with roundup (in thick cutover) to keep them clear to access some of my stand locations. I use the 4 gallon backpack type sprayer. I also trim some on my existing lanes where some of my funnel stand locations are. I'll start hanging stands around mid June along with keep our woods roads and food plots clear of fallen trees. After spring green up we have trees that seem to fall across our club roads and food plots on a weekly basis. crazy.gif

From late August to late September we are working roads, preparing food plots for planting and planting them. We have 40 food plots so there's a lot of work involved getting them ready and planting them.

If I'm not doing that I'm fishing, playing golf or visiting friends and family.

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Re: What Do You Do, During The Off Season???

Well, this year I get to kick myself over and over again about the 140 10 pt I missed quartering away at 10 yards. crazy.gifgrin.gif

I catch up on neglected repair work on the vehicles, house, implements, etc. etc. Spend time with my kids wrestling more and going on walks. I look for sheds. I practice, dream and scout about the new season. My biggest off season pursuit is gardening both vegetable and flowers.

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Re: What Do You Do, During The Off Season???

I will be predator hunting, hunting hogs, or fishing. If I am not hunting/fishing then I will probably be working on something out at our place, might be trimming up roads or working on foodplots. I can always find something to do to keep myself busy smile.gif

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Re: What Do You Do, During The Off Season???


Golf, fish, spend time with family. Golf. I play golf. Golfing is fun. Did I mention golf? grin.gif

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Ya what he said, I work at a golf course so the summer is kick butt time, early early mornings and long long days, but hey i get a killer tan so thats not so bad. In the spring i do some steelhead guideing, though that is starting to tail off as the rivers get more and more crowded every year, just dont feel like being up there as much. but fishing,GOLF,work take up most of my off-season. I do alot of re-loading and skeet shooting as well.

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