Got a Bird!!

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Well I'm a week late telling the story, but here it is. Last Monday I was hunting on my 3rd season tag here in IL for the 1st good day. I couldn't hunt Saturday due to testing for a police dept and Sunday was raining and windy and I tried but couldn't get any birds to work. So I head out Monday morning to a spot my dad had seen birds in the week before. I get there and sit down on a downed tree and listen. I hear a bird gobble within 200 yards of me so I move to the end of this finger of the field and set up. I start calling and nothing is answering. There were 3-4 birds gobbling in this area and nothing was answering me. I was about ready to chalk the hunt up to bad luck and no bird. I did hear a bird about 500 yards away so I actually got up to start working this bird and I was moving on him when a bird gobbled about 200 yards from where I originally set up. So I turned around and got back to my original set up. Then the bird that was 500 yards away started moving to me gobbled about 250 yards away. So I started calling to that bird when another bird about 100 yards in front gobbled. So I called and the bird in front of me gobbled again. I cut and the bird in front of me cut me off and the bird that had been working in from behind gobbled too. Both birds shut up and the next time the bird in front of me gobbled he was 150 yards away coming around the edge of the timber draw. That's when I heard her. THE HEN!!! She was in the same finger as him and he turned around and went to her. About 5 minutes after that the bird behind me gobbled again and I cut and he cut me off. Then things got quiet for about 15 minutes. After that I heard a bird cluck and looked over and here is a gobbler in full strut with a jake about 60 yards away. They started working towards my decoy when the gobbler came out of strut looking for the hen. I yelped softly again on my mouth call and he went back into strut and started spitting and drumming and coming in. The jake got to my decoy first and when the gobbler came around the brush I let him hold it at 25 steps. He was a 2 yr old and weighed 22 lbs, had a 10 in beard and 7/8" spurs. This was by far the most gobbling on the ground I have ever heard in a morning. The birds wanted to work more and gobble more on the ground than in the tree which I have never had happen. There wasn't more than a 10 min span between a bird gobbling somewhere within ear shot on that morning. It was a really cool hunt.

Here are some pics!!





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