30 30 Has killed more deer than any other.

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I've got a couple DIRTY THIRTIES and I have taken my fair share of deer with them back in the day. I can remember as a kid, our deer camp would have about 6 or 8 of them. As a young hunter I carried a 30Cal M1 carbine.

My wife did kill her first deer with a old favorite though.



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One time I showed my 30-30 to a deer and the darn thing fell over dead!


Odly enough something very similar happened to me too. I once shot a small buck with one and ejected the cartridge.

It landed over in a pile of leaves. A doe ran over the spent casing trying to get away and fell over dead from the awesomeness of the case alone! Heck, before I could get over to pick it up I had two squirrels, a crow, and the doe....

Dangdest thing I ever did see......

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Odly enough something very similar happened to me too. I once shot a small buck with one and ejected the cartridge.

It landed over in a pile of leaves. A doe ran over the spent casing trying to get away and fell over dead from the awesomeness of the case alone! Heck, before I could get over to pick it up I had two squirrels, a crow, and the doe....

Dangdest thing I ever did see......

Wow I didn't know there were so many comedians here. This is funny stuff though. You guy are GREAT. LMBO:toot:

Edited by hunterbobb
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Apparently, a hunter brandishing a Marlin .30-30 was walking in the woods in Texas. Out of know where, Chuck Norris attacks him. The hunter levered the action, caught the unfired round, threw it at Chuck Norris. Norris filled his pants, broke into a panic of weeping, and turned away running at a dead sprint into the wild screaming belligerently. True story

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Apparently, a hunter brandishing a Marlin .30-30 was walking in the woods in Texas. Out of know where, Chuck Norris attacks him. The hunter levered the action, caught the unfired round, threw it at Chuck Norris. Norris filled his pants, broke into a panic of weeping, and turned away running at a dead sprint into the wild screaming belligerently. True story

Wow, that is some serious awesomeness.....

I read an article about a guy that was hunting way up north. I guess at midnight something came into his camp and started tearing stuff to pieces. He rolled out of bed, grabbed his old lever gun, and burst out into the open expecting to see a Brown Bear.

Come to find out it was bigfoot. Apparently he was out of toilet paper and went tearing through the camp looking for some. He was so scared of the 30-30 he threw his hands in the air and began to weep like a child. His fear of the old lever was so great that he cleaned the camp and apologized before he was allowed to depart. The hunter was good enough to share a roll of Charmin Ultra with aloe, because you know lever gun owners are just that classy.

True story....

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Wow, that is some serious awesomeness.....

I read an article about a guy that was hunting way up north. I guess at midnight something came into his camp and started tearing stuff to pieces. He rolled out of bed, grabbed his old lever gun, and burst out into the open expecting to see a Brown Bear.

Come to find out it was bigfoot. Apparently he was out of toilet paper and went tearing through the camp looking for some. He was so scared of the 30-30 he threw his hands in the air and began to weep like a child. His fear of the old lever was so great that he cleaned the camp and apologized before he was allowed to depart. The hunter was good enough to share a roll of Charmin Ultra with aloe, because you know lever gun owners are just that classy.

True story....

Don't think that one can be topped Jeramie. :clap:

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Wow, that is some serious awesomeness.....

I read an article about a guy that was hunting way up north. I guess at midnight something came into his camp and started tearing stuff to pieces. He rolled out of bed, grabbed his old lever gun, and burst out into the open expecting to see a Brown Bear.

Come to find out it was bigfoot. Apparently he was out of toilet paper and went tearing through the camp looking for some. He was so scared of the 30-30 he threw his hands in the air and began to weep like a child. His fear of the old lever was so great that he cleaned the camp and apologized before he was allowed to depart. The hunter was good enough to share a roll of Charmin Ultra with aloe, because you know lever gun owners are just that classy.

True story....

Wow I bow to a greater man and to the magical power of the 30-30. I guess I have been wrong all this time. Please accept my humble apologises.


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Wow, that is some serious awesomeness.....

.....it was bigfoot. Apparently he was out of toilet paper and went tearing through the camp looking for some. He was so scared of the 30-30 he threw his hands in the air and began to weep like a child. His fear of the old lever was so great that he cleaned the camp and apologized before he was allowed to depart. The hunter was good enough to share a roll of Charmin Ultra with aloe,....

True story....

Well, that makes sense on the Charmin Ultra with aloe...Harry is VERY sensitive.


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I personally have killed more deer with a 30-30 than any other gun.

Simply because It was the cheapest thing a poor boy could by and shoot & it held 7 shells, now call me a redneck but where I come from the more the better. And no one cared about bullistics or muzzle energy. Besides bullistics and muzzle energy don't kill deer anyhow, good shot placement and knowing your firearm does.

Since then I have evolved to picking a caliber and cartrige by compareing those stats and my favorites are .270 and.243 and I am sure in due time they will surpass the 30-30 in kills in the very near future.When I was a young lad we only had one gun between 3 famillys and most of our neighbors and familly members were the same way so naturally I would think that the 30-30, which were passed down for generations would most likely have killed the more deer than any other.

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Interesting post Bob. Guess I probably missed something in some recent posts that initiated this, but kind of surprised the 30-30 is still considered as having taken "more deer", kind of figured with the massive numbers of hunters of today in comparison to the days where the 30-30 was so popular and with the liberal limits set in some places, that more modern calibers such as the .30-06 or .270 would have surpassed the 30-30 by now. Wonder if a more valid statement might be that the .30 calibers have taken "more deer", I would tend to believe that one to be true.

I agree. I would think 30-06 has killed more. But definitely 30 calibers.

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The fact is that nobody really knows ....... right? As far as I know, nobody has ever kept track, so it's all guess work isn't it? It's not even educated guesswork .... lol. Who knows, maybe the 12 guage shotgun has taken more deer than any other firearm. Actually, I can say that and proclaim myself just as correct as anybody. Ok, I will .... "The 12 guage shotgun has killed more deer than any other".


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Actually, I can say that and proclaim myself just as correct as anybody. Ok, I will .... "The 12 guage shotgun has killed more deer than any other".


Doc, you're smoking crack.... just look at the 30-30 vs the 12.... there's no way you can deny it's rightful place as best gun ever made anywhere ever.

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I think you missed my point. What I was trying to illustrate is that anybody can make any claim about what gun has killed more deer, and there isn't a bit of documentation anywhere to prove the claim one way or the other. So, I can make any outrageous claim that I want in that area, knowing that nobody can ever come up with documentation to prove me wrong. So the whole arument about the "30-30 having killed more deer that any other" as was stated in the original post, means nothing without any proof one way or the other. So if I want to claim that the 12 guage has killed more deer than any other, let's see someone come up with proof that it isn't true.....lol.


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When you get into elk it is pretty marginal although I know people who use it for elk. They do understand it's limitations though.

They haven't made an elk yet that can take a properly placed 30-30 slug from a moderatee range and walk away..............very far.

The 30-30 ain't no 350 yard "anything" round. But within it's useful range, with a properly placed shot, it'll kill stuff as dead as anything else will.

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