30 30 Has killed more deer than any other.

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  Strut10 said:
They haven't made an elk yet that can take a properly placed 30-30 slug from a moderatee range and walk away..............very far.

The 30-30 ain't no 350 yard "anything" round. But within it's useful range, with a properly placed shot, it'll kill stuff as dead as anything else will.

See that phrase moderate range always pops up when we talk about the 30-30. As ethical hunters don't we owe it to the game we hunt to use the best equipment available to ensure a clean kill. Why use a rifle that is moderate anything when there are better options available.


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  hunterbobb said:
See that phrase moderate range always pops up when we talk about the 30-30. As ethical hunters don't we owe it to the game we hunt to use the best equipment available to ensure a clean kill. Why use a rifle that is moderate anything when there are better options available.


Why buy a rifle to kill deer at 400 yards when its rare for someone to get a shot past 150 yards? What is considered marginal in one situation may not be in another. Heck we can take your position a step further and say that we need to elk hunt with a .50 bmg because Im sure it would be more ethical than a 7mm Mag, which would be marginal out past 700 yards or so :hammer1:

The bottom line is the .30-30 has been around for a very long time so it obviously has worked very well. If it really was a "marginal" rifle then it would have become obsolete a long time ago.

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I'm thinking .338 Lapua. I've always wanted one of those. Makes nice ethical kills at good range while hunting over my corn pile at night in a small fenced enclosure during the summer. :D

seriously though....

I don't know when we "owed" anything to our game to make the most efficient kill possible. It's called a "sport" for a reason. If I wanted the best chance of a kill, I would only hunt during rifle season with my Weatherby. We are the apex predators, we generally play God in the field, but even on our worst days we are kinder than what Mother Nature dishes out on her own.

Just my one cent, couldnt come up with two, got a ballgame to head out to :D

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  redkneck said:

I don't know when we "owed" anything to our game to make the most efficient kill possible. It's called a "sport" for a reason. If I wanted the best chance of a kill, I would only hunt during rifle season with my Weatherby. We are the apex predators, we generally play God in the field, but even on our worst days we are kinder than what Mother Nature dishes out on her own.

What a great reply!! Imagine where all the bowhunters and muzzleloaders would be if we all seriously believed that we were obligated to use the most efficient weapon possible. We have a lot of ways that we put challenge into hunting, and occasionally that challenge takes the form of using something other than the "best equipment available". And by golly, that's not necessarily a bad thing.


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Amen to that, Doc....

Where I hunt ( from Belfield,ND south and west to the Montana line, long shots are the norm... I RARELY get a chance to shoot under 250 yards, and on average Id say the majority ofmy shots are around 350-480yards.

I use a 280 Rem ( Im comfortable with that to around 440), a 7 RUM ( at LEAST 550-650yards)... and I also have a 300 win that I run 150 Gmxs in....

I do have the everday weaponry when I hunt riverbottoms though... a 35 Whelen ( loaded with 220HCFNs to 2700fps) and a 45/70 barrel strapped to a siamese mauser action... 400 grain flat nose... ( dont recall the exact fps, but I am running #1 pressure ranges)

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  hunterbobb said:
Why use a rifle that is moderate anything when there are better options available.

I'm all for overkill.

I'm the founder of the OTP-freakin'-G, for heaven's sake!!!

But by your logic, we should all drive ZR1 'Vettes because 638 horsepower will get you to church faster than most anything else.

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  redkneck said:
I'm thinking .338 Lapua. I've always wanted one of those. Makes nice ethical kills at good range while hunting over my corn pile at night in a small fenced enclosure during the summer. :D

ROFLMBO...I nearly spit my drink on the keyboard. Goodun!!!:clap:

  redkneck said:

seriously though....

I don't know when we "owed" anything to our game to make the most efficient kill possible. It's called a "sport" for a reason. If I wanted the best chance of a kill, I would only hunt during rifle season with my Weatherby. We are the apex predators, we generally play God in the field, but even on our worst days we are kinder than what Mother Nature dishes out on her own.

Just my one cent, couldnt come up with two, got a ballgame to head out to :D

  Doc said:
What a great reply!! Imagine where all the bowhunters and muzzleloaders would be if we all seriously believed that we were obligated to use the most efficient weapon possible. We have a lot of ways that we put challenge into hunting, and occasionally that challenge takes the form of using something other than the "best equipment available". And by golly, that's not necessarily a bad thing.


Well said by both of you...There are times when I enjoy the challenge of breaking out my .308 pistol too. My personal limitations fall well short of a 30-30 rifle's effective range with that weapon too. ;)

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Cool your jets AmigoWRONG THE . .22lr RIFLE RIM FIRE HAS KILLED MORE DEER AS ITS THE MOST COMMON CALIBER USED TO POACH DEER IN THE USA , MEXICO AND CANADA the .22 rim fire is so deadly as a poachers weapon that its totally banned in South Africa and less that 600 gun permit liscenes are issue in total for.22RF in all of South Africa Tink Nathan former African Professional Hunter & ex African game Warden



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  Tink said:

the .22 rim fire is so deadly as a poachers weapon that its totally banned in South Africa and less that 600 gun permit liscenes are issue in total for.22RF in all of South Africa

Tink Nathan

former African Professional Hunter & ex African game Warden

Still cant prove it.

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