Pan Fried Perch

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Caught a real nice fat 10.5" jumbo perch this afternoon and cooked it up for supper. Man was it gooooood! :D Grabbed the camera to take a picture of it in the pan and the batteries were dead! :mad: Anyways, here is my fish recipe:

Heat stove top to medium, put a little olive oil in the pan before you put your fish in.

Create the sauce:

1/3 butter stick melted

2 squeezed/crushed clementine orange juice

Tomato Mrs. Dash

Dill Weed

Italian Seasoning

Crushed Basil Leaves

Lemon Pepper Seasoning

Mix the sauce together and pour over fish gradually until there is no more sauce.

The fish cooks in the sauce and soaks up the flavoring. Cook until the fish is brown and slightly crisp giving it a slightly grilled look. It is a tasty sweet and tangy flavoring that just makes the mouth water! :D Enjoy! I know I did. :D

Dakota :)

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My mouth started watering as soon as I read the title to your post. I love perch and don't catch them as often as I'd like. I think I'm going to give your recipe a try though as it sounds great. Seeing as I won't be fishing anytime soon I'm going to have to use store bought perch but they should be good none the less.

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