Tailgate question...

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Anyone ever have a problem with their tailgate coming off? I drive a 2000 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4 and mine occasionally will do that when I drop it down. I can always get it to go back in place but I was wondering if there was a way to secure it to make sure it keeps from happening again. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Dakota :)

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Can't remember what the Fords use, but it sounds like your trunnions are wearing out. If you're talking about where the tailgate pivots on the bed. There's two brackets on the tailgate and two on the bed. If they're wore out it could do this. Only thing I can think of. Is it the style where you tilt the tailgate half open and pull towards you to get the tailgate off if you want it to come off?

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If it's half way down and you pull out on it, it should come out, that's the way it's supposed to be. I was thinking it was coming out as you were driving down the road, that's NOT how it's supposed to be. :D

:D No it's when I bring it down that it will sometimes come off...I feel stoopid now...:D

Dakota :D

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I had the same truck-it has a quick release tailgate (Ireally miss that truck...)I used a hose clamp around it to keep it from doing that and to keep thieves from walking off with it. BTW-Welcome back brother!

Thanks, bud! :cool: Yeah they're great trucks!

Dakota :)

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