Oklahoma to go to open carry?


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Yessir!!!!! BUT, and I hate to say this, but I am concerned that if someone is openly carrying, if that may bring unwanted attention to them by someone who may be up to noggod, and wanna "prove" themselves. I'm kinda on the fence about this actually.

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I think the benefits will more than outweigh the negatives. And how many people do you think would actually carry? Maybe the folks that work on a ranch, or hunters or others that are out enjoying nature. I doubt you'll see many business people walking down the street in OKC with a pistol strapped to their side. But you very well might see a few at the country gas station / grocery store, especially during deer season.

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It's good to be able to carry and I'm happy for you guys, but I'm firmly for concealed carry. It's best if no one knows you've got it. You really want it to be a surprise and if there is a crime in progress it gives you the option of just letting the robbery take it's natural course (as long as no one is being hurt). If you open carry you may be resonsible for getting people killed or hurt as soon as they see the gun and light you up, or being mistaken for a perp and shot. A handgun is for when you've run out of options and are desperate. Most people don't shoot them well especially when excited, but slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder is even less appealing, but it may come to that here eventually.


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If you have no laws permitting you to carry, then this is a step in the right direction. But if its going from concealed carry to open carry.....thats terrible news.

We have open carry here in WI. Whenever someone excercises that right (in Milwaukee for instance), they are confronted by the police, given disorderly conduct tickets, and have to go to court and hopefully get them dropped.


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It's good to be able to carry and I'm happy for you guys, but I'm firmly for concealed carry. It's best if no one knows you've got it. You really want it to be a surprise and if there is a crime in progress it gives you the option of just letting the robbery take it's natural course (as long as no one is being hurt). If you open carry you may be resonsible for getting people killed or hurt as soon as they see the gun and light you up, or being mistaken for a perp and shot. A handgun is for when you've run out of options and are desperate. Most people don't shoot them well especially when excited, but slinging an assault rifle over your shoulder is even less appealing, but it may come to that here eventually.


I gotta agree with Mark here. Think carrying open marks you as a potential target, if I was carrying I would want it to be concealed lending the element of unknown and surprise to the bad guys in the event I ever needed to draw my handgun.

Does the passage of this allow anyone to carry, but permit still required for conceal carry?

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How can they be given a Dis Con summons if they are doing nothing wrong? This wouldn't fly even in liberal based NY State....there must be something more to it then

Check out this link. Its an example of one incident.


This quote pretty much sums up the Milwaukee PD's feeling on the matter.

"Milwaukee's police chief said he'll go on telling his officers to take down anyone with a firearm despite Van Hollen's finding that people can carry guns openly if they do it peacefully.

Chief Ed Flynn said officers can't assume people are carrying guns legally in a city that has seen nearly 200 homicides in the past two years.

He said that means officers seeing anybody carrying a gun will put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide if the person has a right to carry it.

Flynn said it's irresponsible to send a message that if someone carries a weapon openly, no one can bother them."

Open carry in Milwaukee pretty much guarantees the Police will be treating you like a criminal...even though you are breaking no laws.

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Here in TN you are required to have a permit, but there's nowhere that says you have to conceal your weapon. I conceal mine about half of the time and other times I just carry them out in the open. If I'm on my way fishing or hunting, or if I'm going somewhere where people like to start trouble, I carry them out in the open. It seems to me that criminals and jerks behave themselves when they see a man with a pistol on his hip. By carrying it in the open, the likelihood that I'll have to use it goes down. Seriously, would you rob someone if you KNEW they had a gun? It also makes decision making a lot quicker. If someone has the jewels to do something to me when they see I have a gun, I know they need killing. There's no question. If I pull one out that they didn't know about, they get a chance to change their mind the way the state looks at it.

Personally, I think that it is B.S. that anyone has to conceal or get a permit. Aside from convicted felons, I think that it is our natural right to protect ourselves.

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What gets me mad is that our lovely governor says 'we dont need concealed carry because we have open carry''....yeah but you get treated like a criminal when you open carry, in certain parts of the state.

The man is an idiot for sure but at least he will be out soon. Hopefully the next governor will sign concealed carry into law.

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