trap dirt question

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ive been noticeing ever day when i get home from working[ fedex] driving over the dirt roads in oklahoma, i end up with 1 to 2 dust pans of very fine dirt or dust depending how you look at it, and am asking, do you think being its so fine that putting it over a trap and it rains do you think it will just descingrate leaving the trap bare, if not, i can start putting it in bags and have plenty of good fine dirt to cover my traps this year.

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Good chance it will if it rains very hard. Ive had the rain wash dirt off and leave some of the trap showing in the past. This past season I covered up my traps with buckwheat hulls. After that I would take some dirt left over from digging the trap bed and sift a light layer over top the buckwheat hulls. We had some heavy rains that fell on the sets and the rain didnt wash the buckwheat hulls off the trap. Maybe they would work better for you than just plain dirt. Using buckwheat hulls has other advantages too. They dont freeze your trap in like plain dirt and you dont have to use a pan cover.

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