nitro rhino performance

Guest ketchum

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Guest ketchum

I would like to hear the results of Nitro Rhino performance. I'm putting 300+ in a 10" circle at 40 yards with a Benelli steady grip, Rhino .660. Shooting a 2 1/4 Nitro 3.5". Is this average?

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Re: nitro rhino performance

That is about average. I am about to hop on the train myself. My buddy was out yesterday in the cold, snowy conditions testing his Nitro/Rhino combo out of hise 835. At 40 yards he got 270 BB's in a 10" circle, and after talking to the people from the Nitro Co. they told him that he was shooting in horrible conditions and in warmer weather he would get between 10-15% more BB's in a 10" circle.

Hope this helps!

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Guest DaHunter

Re: nitro rhino performance

Yea that sounds about right from what i am hearing..if anyone is shooting a browning gold 10 let me know what you are using, cant decide on the .720 or go tighter with it. like a .685 let me know how you 10 guage guys are doin.!

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Guest ketchum

Re: nitro rhino performance

I'm shooting the 51013 nitro, which is not what the website says shoot in a Benelli. I called them and they told me to shot this load. Look guys, I'm getting 125 shot in a 10" ring at 60 yards. I wasn't getting that many at 40 yards with a factory load of any kind. I tested a lot of chokes, shells and different guns.

I spent a ton of money, testing I had to see for myself. I figured with my limeted time in the woods, I would get the best out of it. I just wanted to know if anyone was getting better patterns. Thanks and good hunting.

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Re: nitro rhino performance

.720 for a SP10. But my son is using the .660 on the winchester 1300. With the .660 Winchester we order the H378's. For the SP10, I used the 101L's or H101's. Both guns present patterns just as you see in that perfect pattern Maytom showed. You know the funny thing. That 1300 got two pellets in a 30" circle using Remington Hevi-shot yet shots Nitro's magnificently. And yes, we shot multiple times using Remington's loads and never got better. Strange, huh. Those Nitro 7 size pellets really cover up the pattern, don't they. laugh.gif

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Guest DaHunter

Re: nitro rhino performance

Well i guess i am gunna order the shells and choke in a few days!! we only got about 18 inches of snow on the ground,lol. I'll be sure too post how it does if also if anyone is shooting a 10 guage with these shells let me know how you are doin.

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Guest ketchum

Re: nitro rhino performance

I haven't used any of the econo loads. Although I have used several of the heavy shot loads. In my experience with several guns and several different chokes. Nitro's heavy shot delivers 15-20% better than the examples they have on their website.

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