Odd Combo!!!!


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Re: Odd Combo!!!!

I have found some beaver skulls pretty far from water. I think wolves and bears get a lot of beaver they catch upon land. Isn't it amazing that when you pull the teeth out of the skull they are like 3-4 inches long and make a semi circle? Oh and the orange colour has always amazed me, people picture them with stron white teeth...strong yes, white no. lol

Sounds like one of my shed hunting trips last year. I found i cyote skull(not many of those here, wolves kill them), 2 fox skulls, on that i think was a fisher, two beaver skulls, and one lone 5 point shed. Guess mange was pretty tough on the local canines last winter.

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Guest BeerSlayer1

Re: Odd Combo!!!!

We used to laugh at some of the beaver dams we'd see down south when we were pheasant hunting. Trees were in pretty short supply, so the beavers would drag wheat stubble into the river to make their dams. I'll give them points for creativity but I don't know what they ate to survive.

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