Leaving Okinawa, Japan


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That's right folks, less than a month and we are going back to the sweet ol' USA. Sick of earthquakes, typhoons, language barrier, having to use sign language to communicate, etc, lol. This move will also be my last move in the Marines because I can retire in 2013. Moving to Beaufort, SC for my last tour via about 45 days of leave in PA! I can't wait to get off this island!!!

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From everything I hear about Beaufort; Japan would be a lot more exciting. lol. I'm across the country in 29 Palms now. I'm hoping to get stationed back on the East Coast once I graduate MOS school. It'd be nice to be within 1000 miles from home, and have places to hunt/fish from time to time.

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From everything I hear about Beaufort; Japan would be a lot more exciting. lol. I'm across the country in 29 Palms now. I'm hoping to get stationed back on the East Coast once I graduate MOS school. It'd be nice to be within 1000 miles from home, and have places to hunt/fish from time to time.

Oh your at the Stumps, that sucks. I was at 29 Palms at a CAX back in '96, what's your MOS? Are you going to COMM school? I started at Parris Island back in 1993 and I will retire right outside there in Beaufort, MCAS. When I retire, I am having my retirement ceremony on the yellow footprints outside of the receiving barracks there at PI. From there I am not shaving or running for a year, lol.

John (LifeNRA), you can buy me that beer/s in June Bro, I'll be home for about 40 days on leave. We can meet at the frogs hollow or whatever that place is called there on 72.

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