first spring turkey


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Went out at 9 this morning and walked all over the 400 acre farm i have permission to hunt. The second piece of woods i got into i spooked out 2 hens. Then i did the 3rd piece and was tired after not hearing a single gobble. So, on my way to the fourth piece I almost decided to leave because i was tired of walking but i just pushed on. I got about 10 yards from the woods and i was in the field and just clucked and yelped for about 10 seconds. The one bird cut me off and gobbled. That was all i heard from the bird. So, I jumped into the woods popped up my decoy and sat down. 2 minutes later yelped 4 times and waited for them. Two birds walked in and i shot one. Its small but my first one only a 4 inch beard and i did'nt weight him.

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i always see it as the more time you get out there the better your chances will be. I just love being outside and wish i could be out more. If you spend alot of time in the woods you get alot back. I been hooked ever since i heard my first gobble about 4 years ago on my first turkey hunt. Which made the hair stand up on my arms because i was so excited. Im basically hooked on anything hunting though lol.

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