National EMS Week - Step up and take a bow


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This is a shameless plug for those of us who are in the Emergency Medical Services. May 16-22, 2010 is National EMS Week. Step up and take a bow listing your position and years served.

I personally am proud to say that my wife and I have been EMTs for 14 and 15 years respectively and are currently EMT-Intermediate Technicians (aka Advanced EMT). As EMT-ITs we are able to start IVs and push fluids and certain meds. I am also proud of the others on our department that give so much of themselves without the need for recognition or money.

Check these out............

Edited by PotashRLS
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Thanks for what you do Tracy... :).

You guys are THE vital link between a Hospital and the field.

My bro in law is a LT here in the NYC FD-EMS and he finds the work exhausting... yet satisfying.

Not an easy thing working on people. Hats off to you guys.

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Wow, they have a National EMS Week now, cool! Not sure they had anything like that back in the 80's when I was an EMT. I spent 10 years with the local ambulance, nine of them as an EMT. 16 years with the city and county fire departments.

Thanks for a job well done! Sometimes, it is a thankless job! ;)

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My hat is off to you Tracey. Personally I have yet to take that plunge yet although I help out a lot as a vollie. You guys do the hard work that saves lives and ask nothing in return. I know the dedication it takes to go out time after time when the pager goes off, you surely desere the recognition!!!

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Won't be an EMT until next fall when i take the class as part of the fire fighting program, but will hopefully be getting a job with the Lake County Ambulance service in Two Harbors, MN this month. I've been a volunteer firefighter for almost a year now in our township but don't ever consider myself in the EMS category since i haven't even taken a first responder class. I'm mainly just there as another pair of hands on the fire ground and to carry stuff for the EMT's and first responders on our dept. But thanks to all of you EMS worker's that are currently working or have worked in the past to help others! It is greatly appreciated.

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Anyone else out there in EMS? Don't be shy:toot:

I've been an EMT-B for almost 7 years, 4 in a fairly large urban Dept. in NY and the past 3 here in VT. I became a FF first and then became interested in EMS. I'm also a Registered Respiratory Therapist and work very closely with the surrounding agencies who bring all sorts of ugliness into our ED. It's a pleasure to work with so many fine EMS providers.

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