corn and soybeans/cowpeas????

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Hey guys and gals..i was gonna plant corn around some soybeans and maybe mix some cowpeas in with the beans. What is the best type of corn that will produce a good number of ears, but can also withstand a drout? as i tend to see in the summer in North Carolina. i have tried corn before and it grows about 3-4 feet and dies before the ears get growing good. Also, when should i plant soybeans? my bow season will start in mid september and i have not tried soybeans before..and if anyone has any suggestions of the types of cowpeas of soybeans i should plant to withstand a drout, let me know! thanks, Dalton

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Cannot really speak for the corn for food plots, but on the soybeans it will depend a lot on what kind you get. We have had great results here with the eagle seeds rr forage variety soybeans planted as late as July. First year we planted them we had a terrible drought, but the beans still got to pod producing stage and provided a ton of forage. The eagle seeds soybeans withstand heavy browsing quite well too. If I were planting soybeans this year that would be what I would use. An early to mid June planting would be ideal granted you got enough moisture for germination.

Cowpeas, we have used them as well and had pretty decent results. We usually get them in before June and plant with a grain.

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If you have weather issues in the summer you should probably talk to a local farmer about the corn. You need knowledge from someone who knows your soil and growing seasons. Roundup ready soybeans will work well like William said but you won't be able to mix cowpeas unless they are also roundup ready. Again, your growing season and hunting season coordination will be specific to your area of the country.

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For the corn I would talk to a farmer close by and see if you can buy some of his seed corn. I had a farmer give me some seed corn a couple years ago and it grew well. I didnt fertilize it at all and it still produced ears. If I had taken care of it, Im sure it would have done even better.

Im not real sure about the cow peas. The soybeans might crowd them out or shade them too much once they get tall. I dont know though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be planting a soybean / field pea mix toward the end of June here to see how it does. Lots of folks put out the food plots a few weeks ago with that mix. Bow season opens mid sept. here so I hope by planting in late june I'll have a lot of forage around that time to draw them in. It's starting the rainy season here so there should be plenty of moisture to get them going good.

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