Randy Oitker on way to Beijing,China today


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I just wanted to let everyone know that Randy and dad are at Chicago O'hare boarding a plane for Beijing,China today. His flight leaves at 12:20pm. It is number 851.

Guinness is having him come over to film a Guinness TV show on China Central TV. He is a little nervous but jbeck gave him some important tips.

I am very nervous of course, it is a non stop 13 1/2 hour flight. There is 13 hours in time difference.

I just pray for a safe trip there and back.


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Randy called me at 4am central time. He had landed and they have lost one of his bowcases ( he took 2 bowcases with 2 bows in each case). His first time ever losing luggage. They are to film for the TV show tomorrow! The good thing is he has the bowcase with his arrows . He will be able to do a few shots but not as many as they wanted unless they get him his other bowcase soon.

At least he is okay.

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