Jailbroken I-Phones


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Just wondering if anybody has had there I phones jailbroken. Had mine done last week and there are so much more on them than one that hasn't been done,most of them are free also. My wife hooked it up to the computer and done it herself. If anyone has anything fun on a jailbroken I phone,share your thoughts.

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From Wikipedia

The legality of jailbreaking an iPod or iPhone remains unclear, particularly in the context of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. As part of the 2009 DMCA rulemaking, the Electronic Frontier Foundation asked the US Copyright Office to recognize an exemption to the DMCA to permit jailbreaking in order to allow iPhone owners to use their phones with applications that are not available from Apple's store.[26] In response to this, Apple filed comments opposing this exemption and indicating that they do consider jailbreaking to be a violation of copyright (and by implication prosecutable under the DMCA). A ruling on this proposed exemption has not yet been made, but a decision is expected sometime later in 2010.

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I didn't jailbreak mine simply for warranty reasons. But you can do some pretty amazing things with them. I don't see how it could be illegal, the software is privately created and given away. Theres no piracy involved. Your simply using the phone that YOU PAID for the way YOU WANT. Have fun, lemme know in a PM how ya like it and what all extras you have done.

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