What is a good inexpensive bow for deer hunting?


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Look on Archerytalk in the youth section if your wanting a 40lb bow. I would go to some bow shops and shoot some. Get with someone who knows what they are doing and practice a lot. Unless you are physically limited I would look at something heavier than 40lbs. I broke my back a few years ago and didn't think I could pull back anything so I bought a 30-40lb bow. After about 3 months of shooting I went to a 40-50. A year after getting the bow I'm looking for a 50-60lb bow.

As far as what kind of bow, I'm shooting a 2008 diamond edge. If I was looking at a beginner bow it would be the new Razor's Edge. It shoots from 30-60lbs is very smooth and as accurate as you will be for some time. http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98941 This was shot with the edge.

There are other good beginner bows out there. The PSE Chaos, Browning Micro Midas and Micro Adreniline and Hoyt Trykon are supposed to pretty good too. There are probably others, but those are probably the most popular and easy to find.

If you are going to shoot low poundage look for a good cut on contact broadhead like slick-tricks or the american broadhead sonics. Lower pound bows just don't have enough energy to waist and mechanicals take up energy opening up.

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This should probably be in the bowhunting room, but yea PSE bows are a little cheaper yet still perform well. In the size you're looking for I'd have to go back to the Diamond Razor Edge. May want to look at Bear bows too. They weren't too impressive performance wise a handful of years ago, but I think they may be getting quite better. Hold them and check them all out before you buy one though. Not everyone feels comfortable with the same bow. Also, at 40 lbs you'll probably want to stick to a range of 25 yards max, despite how well and fast you pick things up.

Good luck and happy shoppin'!

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