Another first bird

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Last weekend, I hunted with my buddies stepdad bow only for turkeys. The weather wasn't the best but we managed to get it done both days. Saturday was nothing but thunderstorms but it was ok because we were in a blind and it worked out. The weather changed to sunny and blue skies at 10:30am. Quitting time here in NY is 12pm so at 10:30 we packed up and checked out another spot about 15min away. To make a long story short, we played cat and mouse with a tom, 2 jakes and a hen for an hour and at 11:59 (no seriously it was 11:59) we pulled a jake in and he hung up around 40 yards. Mike took the shot and shwacked him! It was 37 yards to be exact and he put the arrow right through the birds neck. It was pretty awesome. It was even cooler to get it done without a blind and running and gunning with the bow.

Oh and it was his first bird. Another first bird that I was able to call in for someone! When we got up to the bird and inspected it, we learned it had 2 beards! 1 beard was around 4" and the other 3 1/2", only 1/4" spurs and around 15lb.




Shwacker broadhead stuck in tree after pass through:



View across the Hudson River not 100 yards from where he killed his bird. That is Westchester County across the river.


Then on Sunday, we sat in the blind again back where we were Saturday morning. Birds were gobbling right off the roost but quickly shut up after flydown. We sat and around 8am, Mike spotted 2 toms behind us about 100 yards. We tried calling to them and they ran back into the woods and started gobbling and coming to our right when I heard 2 more gobbles to our left. About 5min later, 2 toms pop out to our left and make a bee line for the decoys. We get ready and the two toms come in and start mixing with the dekes. He was on the first bird, I was on the second, the strutter. My bird broke into strut at 25 yards facing me and I let it fly. I watched the arrow bury right between his neck and beard. The bird jumped up in the air in a puff of feathers and then walked off slowly with his head getting lower and lower every 10 yards.

We gave em about 15 minutes and went looking. Couldn't find him. Mike missed his bird but I know I drilled mine. Arrow was coated in feathers and blood. We searched for 2 hours and came up with nothing. :( I think it was because I was shooting Slick Trick Mags and the 1 1/8" cut wasn't enough. There's Rage 2 blades in my quiver now. I was so disgusted and upset with myself. But I bounced right back and tried to get on another bird for the remainder of the day but to no avail, they just wouldn't cooperate.

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