Ontario Moose Tag Lottery Date Fast Approaching


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For those resident Ontario moose hunters, just a reminder that the applications for the moose tag lottery date is fast approaching. I believe it's June 1st this year.

I've been gathering up my group's applications getting ready for our group's application. This year we have 4 x Pool #1s and 3 x Pool #2s. We always apply for bull tags in the archery only seasons, but the bull tag allocations have dropped significantly over the past 6 or 7 years. They have however increased the cow tags immensely, but bagging a cow with a bow is harder than pulling hens' teeth.

If we were to pull a cow tag, which has been happening even on our second choice, it just pulls one of your group out of Pool #1 next year. Man you almost have to be a statistician to play the moose lottery system.

I'll be driving out to Kemptville to the district MNR office to drop off our group applications next week.


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Well I took my group's applications out to Kemptville on Thursday last week. Then my brother-in-law, whom I'd asked for a few years if he'd like to come with us moose hunting, called me and said he just got his Outdoors Card temporary replacement, but was having trouble buying his moose licence without the platic card. He came over to my house and we phoned in for his moose licence and put him in the draw as a single as my group was already sent in. He's just Pool #2, but we played the odds by making his 1st Choice an archery cow in our WMU. If he doesn't draw, then at least he'll be Pool #1 next year.


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