Oneida Screaming Eagle Bow


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Sorry i am so long replying to your post.....i didnt see it before now.

I had a friend that had a screaming eagle a few years ago and he loved it and killed alot of deer with always sounded a little loud to me but like i said he killed with it and shot it good.If i remember right at that time it was the top of the line in their far as speed i think his was shooting in the 240-250fps range

Seems to me like ppl either love or hate oneidas's bow designs.....doesnt seem to be any middle ground....even thought i an pretty much a Darton man i have considered getting a oneida to play with....and just may one day if the right oppertunty arises.

I hope this helps you some......good luck with it....get it set up right and practice,practice,'ll be OK


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Re: Oneida Screaming Eagle Bow

I owned 2 Oniedas....I had the Screaming Eagle and the Strike Eagle. They were very effective with a lot of Kenetic Energy, but you are very limited in you treestand set-ups. You have to watch all surrounding limbs at all times and you don't want any stand with arm rails. If you release an arrow and one of the limbs hits a treelimb or an armrest/rail you'll blow the timimg cable apart and possibly the whole bow.

If you keep those things in mind, you'll have a great bow with an Oneida.

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