checking in! First bear down for 2010

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Yukon River Cinnimon. taken sunday the 23 13 hours after the bait was set.. my buddy Daniel, was in his stand and seen this guy coming in... 2 shots from the 45/70 did not slow it down... a few moments later it was in full charge at him and one to the back and one dead center of the head finally dropped him...

we spent a wonderful weekend on the river spotting sows and cubs, and 75 degree weather. My otehr buddy Ray and i set up a great spot with tons of sign around it and expect memorial weekend to be full of bear shooting!!!


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skunked this memorial weekend... seen one Griz walking the beach and i floated the other guy down to with in 100 yards of in on the Yukon river... and he Missed...the bear started up the bank as he fired and we double /triple checked for blood but he missed... the funny part was that it was sooooooooo hot.. 114 in the sun on the thermo. that i was out searching for grizzly bears in my boxers (only:jaw:) the skeeters LOVED my but let me tell ya...

that night i took my old partner Ray down river to Hess creek 13 mile below the camp... and floated it from where we had to turn around due to shallow water... and got out the pred calls... the primos cat nip did a great job and called in a large jet black wolf..... and at 50 yards... HE MISSED!!!! hit the ground at his feet and spraying him with rocks.... day light 24 / 7 now means night time hunting only as we are in a record heat cycle and lots of fires burning around the state... 101 active fires yesterday...

i figure next time i take those two guy out.... I will let the critter eat them.... they may have better luck bagging one IF they have to shoot their ways out..;)

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WOW!!! :eek: Are you not hunting in Alaska or something? I've never heard of it being so hot up there...


Hey just got back and seen this post... and yes Interior AK can get " IN THE SUN " temps well over 100 a few times a year with the ambient temps in the mid 80's range....

had a great month.. not many bears but lots of good times...

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