Compound vs. crossbow


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  countryboy123 said:
Which is better. I am new to bow hunting and have a choice ahead of me which should I choose. I know there is a small rivalry between these two clans so dont shoot each other please!

Lets all just get along

Which is better ..... from what standpoint? What are you expecting to get out of your hunting? Why are you choosing bowhunting over other forms of hunting? Are you wanting to get into bowhunting primarily for the challenge, or tradition, or the ability to get an earlier crack at the herd than everyone else, or to use a weapon that is the easiest to use and gives you the best technical advantage in your hunt, or some other reason? If you are looking for the most functionally efficient weapon, perhaps you might do better in the gun season where you can use the ultimate weaponry in terms of efficiency and technical superiority. There are so many considerations that affect your question, and probably a whole bunch that I haven't even thought of.

So, a lot of the evaluation that you are asking for has to do with what you expect to get from your bow season. That's a personal choice that nobody can decide for you.


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  Doc said:
Which is better ..... from what standpoint? What are you expecting to get out of your hunting? Why are you choosing bowhunting over other forms of hunting? Are you wanting to get into bowhunting primarily for the challenge, or tradition, or the ability to get an earlier crack at the herd than everyone else, or to use a weapon that is the easiest to use and gives you the best technical advantage in your hunt, or some other reason? If you are looking for the most functionally efficient weapon, perhaps you might do better in the gun season where you can use the ultimate weaponry in terms of efficiency and technical superiority. There are so many considerations that affect your question, and probably a whole bunch that I haven't even thought of.

So, a lot of the evaluation that you are asking for has to do with what you expect to get from your bow season. That's a personal choice that nobody can decide for you.


While eye rarely agree with Doc on this subject, eye think he's spot on today. :D

Even tho eye can reed between the lines with his poast.

It is a personal choice. Their are advantages and disadvantages to awl forms of hunting. Four me, eye prefer a compound fore various reasons.

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If you are using the bow season to add a season and are not concerned with the challenge of getting bow close and having to draw a bow, then maybe the crossbow is for you. I would not look down on anyone picking up the crossbow, however I prefer to hunt with a compound, crossbows were made part of legal archery here about 6 years or so ago and while there are several who hunt with them, I don't think it has made a huge difference in numbers of hunters who still hunt with compounds.

And yes this has been one that has gotten very heated in the past.

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sounds like your asking us to pick your weapon..both are leagel and ethical to harvest deer, but that choice is up to you, and like they said what are you in it for, both have its challanges,but i would say theres more of a challange using a compund, than a crossbow, a compund you must draw, aim and release, over the crossbow, which you simply point aim and pull the trigger,and like wtnhunt said i dont look down on any one that uses one. i myself have bought one, not to be my primary archery weapon. [will never give up my compound]. but the one advanatage i have seen from a crossbow is that no matter how cold it gets and how bundled up you are, you dont need much to send an arrow to its target.

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I've hunted with both and they both have thier advantages and disadvantages. The crossbow doesn't take nearly as much preparation. You can be proficiant up to 30 yards with it in a matter of a few days of good hard practice. You point and shoot, and can use a scope just like a gun. That's where the advantages stop. They are also very heavy, loud and cumbersome compaired to a compound. Follow-up shots with a cross bow is pretty much impossible unless the animal is on the ground in front of you. Carrying an xbow into the woods with a climbing stand on your back is a huge pain, the limbs and quiver get in the way and you have to hold it out in front of you to carry it. The limbs seem to catch everything and pull you in every direction. If you can walk through a field or cleared trail without a stand you'll be fine.

Compound bow will take more work and dedication to be proficiant, but you don't have to be a sharp shooter to use it. I wouldn't take a shot in the woods unless I could consistantly shoot around a 4" group just about every time. Whatever that distance is, thats as far as I would shoot. I'm a perfectionis and shoot out to 60 yards with groups of 5-6" even though I know I'll never shoot past 25-30 yards. I love shooting my compound. It weighs around 3lbs, sounds like a mouse fart and is very easy to get in and out of a stand. Hunting with a crossbow I was in about 8-10 shooting situations with it and got busted in all but 2 and never even got a shot off in the others. I don't know if it's the shape or the the bulk of the Xbow, but deer's eyes just seem to be drawn to them.

This was my first year to shoot compound and I never got busted. The most deer I've ever shot in a year was 2 before this year. That was one with a ML and the other with my XBow. I shot at 5 deer this year all with my compound 3 were kills and 2 (the first 2) were clean misses that I attribute to nerves.

Compound bow hunting TO ME gives you a lot more rush than any kind of hunting I've ever done.

If you just want to go out to a stand and shoot something, the crossbow is fine. If you want to be a better hunter, I would go with a compound.

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you also might want to check your state and local laws to see if you can hunt with both. I know in Indiana you can not hunt with a cross bow in the early archery season (unless you are disabled) but you can use the cross bow in the late archery season.

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I know of few people who say, "I only want to buy one gun. What one gun type/action or calibre/ga. should I get?"

With that philosophy in mind, get both. Problem/dilemma solved.....just don't tell your wife! You're gon'na have to trust me on that one! :jaw:

YUP! There's nothin' like gettin' a ney toy.....or toys, to perk a body's spirits!


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  Doc said:
Which is better ..... from what standpoint? What are you expecting to get out of your hunting? Why are you choosing bowhunting over other forms of hunting? Are you wanting to get into bowhunting primarily for the challenge, or tradition, or the ability to get an earlier crack at the herd than everyone else, or to use a weapon that is the easiest to use and gives you the best technical advantage in your hunt, or some other reason? If you are looking for the most functionally efficient weapon, perhaps you might do better in the gun season where you can use the ultimate weaponry in terms of efficiency and technical superiority. There are so many considerations that affect your question, and probably a whole bunch that I haven't even thought of.

So, a lot of the evaluation that you are asking for has to do with what you expect to get from your bow season. That's a personal choice that nobody can decide for you.


I have to agree with Doc. Too many variables here.

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To me its like this if your gonna use a crossbow its like the comparison of me taking my slingshot and you taking a rifle. Cheating. I can understand it if you are incapible of using a bow but a crossbow to me just takes the thrill of the hunt out of it. If I was to classify a crossbow it wouldnt even be considered a bow just another type of rifle!

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  Doc said:
Which is better ..... from what standpoint? What are you expecting to get out of your hunting? Why are you choosing bowhunting over other forms of hunting? Are you wanting to get into bowhunting primarily for the challenge, or tradition, or the ability to get an earlier crack at the herd than everyone else, or to use a weapon that is the easiest to use and gives you the best technical advantage in your hunt, or some other reason? If you are looking for the most functionally efficient weapon, perhaps you might do better in the gun season where you can use the ultimate weaponry in terms of efficiency and technical superiority. There are so many considerations that affect your question, and probably a whole bunch that I haven't even thought of.

So, a lot of the evaluation that you are asking for has to do with what you expect to get from your bow season. That's a personal choice that nobody can decide for you.


Hopefully nobody falls over dead here...I Agree with Doc:jaw::D

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  12-point said:
To me its like this if your gonna use a crossbow its like the comparison of me taking my slingshot and you taking a rifle. Cheating. I can understand it if you are incapible of using a bow but a crossbow to me just takes the thrill of the hunt out of it. If I was to classify a crossbow it wouldnt even be considered a bow just another type of rifle!

Have you ever hunted with a crossbow?

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Well crossbows and compunds for the hunting part of it are similar. You need to get to a close distance and stay in cover. But for the shooting part of it I would without I would without question say compoud. Crossbows are just like shooting a rifle accept at closer range. For me I would say compoud are overall my choice.

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I have hunted with both and i would say they both have their ups and downs. Keeping my thoughts about both aside go to an archery shop that will let you shoot both and see what you like. once you learn to shoot either and sight it in you will be on target from there on out. I can pull a tighter group with my compound though.

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