Stabilizer question.


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This is what I understand about them and maybe someone can add to it. Many new bows have little vibration or handshock, however a good hunting stabilizer can significantly reduce what vibration is left or lessen it on a bow with more vibration than others. Also, depending on the length and weight you get, you can make the bow more balanced when sitting in your hand. It will remain for the most part upright yet wanting to tip foward slightly after the shot, when you "follow through". I'd say most of all the additional weight out front helps you aim and shoot better. When you're aiming and the pin is closely floating around the point of aim, the added weight will make the pin move around slower and not as much. That's partially why you can see target archers shoot with like 3' stabilizers.

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The balance improvement is the primary reason. Manufacturers can't predict what accessories you'll put on and that will effect the balance. The stabilizer will help correct that.

Even with a drop-away style rest, you still have to be concerned with torque. The string still travels in the same plane so torque will effect your left to right accuracy even with a drop away rest. Trust me, you will have some torque even if you shoot open handed. Bow mounted quivers are notorious for adding torque. That's why I don't use them anymore. A stabilizer will help dampen the torque that occurs when you shoot.

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