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Don't know.

Sometimes I think we moderate too much. I think we should allow some DB's to duke it out every now and then instead of just banning them. :D

Tough to put my finger on it. I have a lot of theories, but I've noticed in the last year or so it's not nearly as fun as it used to be.

Bring back Al, Kevin, Steve, et al and let's start calling each other names again. :D

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Well in 2 weeks I leave for maybe things will get interesting again.....I know some can't wait to get rid of me....

Yeah, but local emergency rooms love it.

Sprained ankles, bloody noses, bruises, sprained wrists, hurt shoulders, colds. Might even get lucky and get strep throat or something like that. :D

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Annnnnnd, it's May. Summer starts June 21/22.


Tell that to the thermometer.;)

So suppose spring/summer lul is more fitting?

Still if you look back it happens around this time every year.

Anyhoo, safe to say this lul this time is not associated with changes to the forums that some folks did not like,:pop: which was a complaint in the past.:yes:

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I know I haven't been around as much lately. Just a lot going on lately that's not hunting related along with some hunting related stuff like planting summer food plots. Trying to get outdoor projects finished too before the real summer heat sets in down here. This afternoon is set aside for some golf though. Will only be my 3rd time to play this year.

Way worse this year. Worst I've ever seen.

Annnnnnd, it's May. Summer starts June 21/22.


Yep...we're missing some forum members that have usually posted a lot in the past. In the past the summer lull starts when people quit turkey hunting.

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What happened? Thin skin, political correctness, and the hypocrits ran most of the good ole boys off. We lost some good members this year for sure. They're still here, but don't post because we wouldn't wanna offend anyone.

I thought you quit..........:pop:

Oh and it's spelled, hypocrites.

So what you are saying is the rules are being forced too strictly?

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I'm not saying anything, what I was typing is that Realtree is boring lately. If ya want it to get interesting, stir the pot. Say a cuss word in a post, talk about how you love Obama, call hunting gay, ask a question about a crossbow, make fun of a midget, or even call out a mod. Just don't call me out cause I won't argue back :D.

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