Season Total


Season Total  

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  1. 1. Season Total

    • None
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Wow, more than three!!

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No complaints my 3 gobbler bag limit filled with no problem and had lots of fun along the way. The rookie hunters that went with me this year didn't kill a bird but they had some close encounters. Hopefuly a couple learned a valuable lesson about moving at the wrong time. We'll see next year.

My main turkey hunting buddy killed his limit of 3 gobblers too but he went right down to the wire on his 3rd bird. I got a weak assist locating 2 gobblers for him while he was listening in another part of our place. Thank goodness for text messaging. Took him 5 shots to my 3 to kill his limit of birds. His misses were at 18 & 20 steps and his 3 kills were 35, 34, and 35 yards in that order hunting with his 20 guage turkey gun. Got me on how he missed twice at short range and didn't at the longer ranges. :wacko: Had fun ragging him about it. He'd do the same for me...matter of fact he has before. :D

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