Lets talk broadheads...


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Muzzy 75's, they take a little more attention to detail when setting them up but are an awesome broadhead. I've used Muzzy for 18 years now and have had great success with them. I have tried two other broadheads to checkout how they worked, these were the Tekan II and the Rage 2. Bothof these worked great as with any broadhead out there, if you hit them in the kill zone it'll put them down. I just can't get away from Muzzy's and its all preference. I will be trying the T3's this fall to check their performance on killing but Muzzy will always stay in my quiver.

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For the money, Muzzy MX-3s are the best I've used. They're about $23 for 3. Other than that, I love the Montecs...one piece of ridiculously sharp steel, and they fly like a dream. I'm partial to fixed blades, but if I were to go to mechanicals, I'd use the new G5 T3s.

God bless,


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I've shot many broadheads over the 10+ years I've been deer hunting. Started out shooting Muzzy's 100 gr 3 blades and NAP Spitfires 100gr mechanicals. Those spitfires imo are worthless. Though they did fly similar to field points, my bro and I both shot deer with them and they did not open. trying to follow a deer with a 3/8" hole in him is difficult! I'll never shoot those spitfires again. Then switched to the Magnus Stinger 2 blades...those are deadly, wicked sharp, and I harvested many deer with em...but they were only good for one use as the tip was bent on every bh I hit a deer with, even through the ribcage! So, after reading numerous reviews, I'm going to try G5 Montec's this season. I like the fact they're all steel construction, but hoping to get em bloody and put them to the real test this season!!


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Its a lot of personal preference when it comes to broadheads. A well placed shot with any broadhead you will have meet in the freezer. But I did go out and purchase the new G5 T3 mechanical broadheads to give a try. They are very sharp out of the package. and with the practice blades on they shot just like my field points.

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Muzzy MX-4s and Wasp SSTs because they were durable as anything. I've kicked the Muzzy head out of a fallen tree trunk and continued hunting with it, after finding out it was still fine. I found they've got a bit more drag than a tucked in mechanical when shooting longer distances. Seems my arrow drops more opposed to say the Rage 2-blade heads I shoot now. I figure they're going a little faster at great ranges if this is the case, so I'll have a little more KE. I do like the two 3" holes the Rages put in the game I shoot. I guess that's why I use them.

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