new bow!!


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Welli went yesterday and picked up a new bow. realy didnt need it but when i saw it i wanted it BAD. Its the hoyt matrix31. and man does this thing shoot. fast smooth and a good looker. Now i just need to get it all sighted in befor the 9th so that i can stick a bear in Canada. Anyone els have this bow and what do you think of it

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bought one last week put a g5 optix XR sight on it fuse quiver and stab with a QAD ultra rest pro AWESOME SET UP missed the block the first shot because i set it up like my switchback shoot 3" high at 5 yards just skimmed the target and hit my 3/4" plywood backstop and my easton axis nano went all but 7" thru it and i had to hammer it out awesome penetration

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Sweet! Congrats on the new stick 'n' string, Bud! I used to shoot Hoyt, and I loved them. When I got my new one last year, I liked both the new Hoyts and new Mathews, and ended up with the Mathews. But when I get a new one in a few years, I'll definitely shoot both again. Have to agree with RangerClay though...Let's see it!

God bless,


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